( KU × FU交流事業)世界最大級のモデリング、シミュレーション、訓練のイベントで「 Best Student Developed Game 」を受賞!
滞在中、フロリダ大学の「Cross Cultural Engineering」の一環として、ERセンターのKOWHAKUL Wasana先生が指導する実践的科学英語演習Ⅰの学生たちと協力して、災害対策の啓蒙・啓発ゲームを作成しました。
帰国後、フロリダ大学生たちは、世界最大級のモデリング、シミュレーション、訓練のイベントであるThe Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC)の中で行われるSerious Games Showcase & Challenge(SGS&C)にエントリー。
さまざまな部門がありますが、その中で、フロリダ大学のグループが作成したゲーム「Flooded Folds」がBest Student Developed Gameに選ばれました!
→ https://www.iitsec.org/education/discovery-den/serious-games-showcase-challenge
「Flooded Folds」についての詳細は、こちらのウェブページで確認できます。
→ https://sgschallenge.org/game/flooded-folds/
「このゲームは2ヶ月間の期間をかけて制作され、フロリダ大学のCross-Cultural Engineering in Japanプログラムの一環として生まれました。このゲームは、フロリダ大学の学生たちが京都周辺での旅行からインスピレーションを受けており、ゲーム内の情報の多くは京都大学の大学院生から提供されたものです。」
→ https://apostoljane.itch.io/floodedfolds
フロリダ大学生滞在中の2ヶ月間、毎週行ったLunch Networkingでの京大生との交流や、多くの教員、学生、職員が関わった日本文化フェスティバルなど、フロリダ大学生たちとの交流と受け入れの取り組みが、この受賞につながったものと考えています。
In the summer of 2024, students from the University of Florida stayed at the Katsura Campus of Kyoto University.
During their stay, as part of the University of Florida’s “Cross Cultural Engineering,” they worked with Kyodai students from Practical Scientific English I (link: 【2024年度】実践的科学英語演習Iのチームプロジェクト発表会のご案内/Team Proposal Project Presentation for Practical Scientific English I | 京都大学大学院工学研究科 工学基盤教育研究センター )、 taught by KOWHAKUL Wasana Sensei of the ER Center, to create an awareness-raising game for disaster prevention.
After returning home, the students entered the Serious Games Showcase & Challenge (SGS&C) held at The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), one of the world’s largest modeling, simulation and training events.
At this event, held in early December, groups that created serious games based on the needs of the public and government competed against each other.
There were various categories, but the game “Flooded Folds” created by the University of Florida group was selected as the Best Student Developed Game!
→ https://www.iitsec.org/education/discovery-den/serious-games-showcase-challenge
For more information about Flooded Folds, please see the following webpage:
→ https://sgschallenge.org/game/flooded-folds/
The UT students commented,
“The game was created over a two-month period and was born as part of the UT Cross-Cultural Engineering in Japan program. The game was inspired by UT students’ trips around Kyoto, and much of the information in the game was provided by Kyoto University graduate students.”
You can also play the game on the following webpage:
→ https://apostoljane.itch.io/floodedfolds
We believe that our efforts to interact with and accept the UT students, such as the weekly Lunch Networking sessions with Kyoto University students during the two months of their stay at UT, and the Japanese Culture Festival, which involved many faculty, students, and staff, led to this award.