Exercise on Project Management in Engineering AY2021 エンジニアリングプロジェクトマネジメント演習 2021
General Information
In this course, group work is mainly conducted. Originally two slots (4th and 5th) are assigned but it is certainly possible to arrange group work schedule in each group. This means “flexibility”. Minimum requirement for attendance is “ten times”.
Course Requirements
We may restrict the class size to enhance students’ learning. Prospective students who intend to join the course are required to attend the first class. If enrollment number is less than 6, there is possibility not to open. Details will be announced at the first class.
Other Information
本演習は、主にグループワークを行います。そのため、グループで相談して同意が得られれば時間割に拘らずに演習を進めることも可能です. 少なくとも“10回の参加”が必要であり、ほかの授業と異なり15回の実施しません。なお、必要に応じて日本人教員が英語でのグループワークのサポートを行います。