The role of engineering and the expectations placed on engineering are extremely high in order to solve the problems facing humanity today on a global scale, such as energy, the environment, and resources, as well as the problems facing society today, such as medicine, information, cities, and the aging of society.
This course introduces the science and technology that are taking on these challenges. The lectures are given in English by researchers active in various fields of engineering, with emphasis on detailed explanations of the background to the problems set, the latest research and development to solve the problems, and the problems of practical application as an outlet for the research. After listening to each lecture, students will be required to write a report on their findings. Students will learn not only about one specialized field, but also about the wide range of fields in which engineering can play a role and the social significance of engineering in order to realize a more enlightened human society in the future.
Important notice
“Advanced Modern Science and Technology” course consists of three lecture topics. Each lecture topic consists of a series of four lectures with same theme. Prospective students must register for the course to indicate the choice of the modules from the following:
- Choose one lecture topic if student plans to register a module with four lectures.
- Choose two lecture topics* if student plans to register a module with eight lectures.
- Choose all three lecture topics* if student plans to register a module with twelve lectures.
Selection will be conducted if students more than capacity are registered. Therefore, students who intend to take this course are requested to indicate their intentions via preliminary registration site.
*Note that students who register a module with eight or twelve lectures are requested to satisfy grading requirement for each lecture topic.
Notification about preliminary registration and selection
- Students who intend to take this course must complete preliminary registration via web site by the deadline.
- Preliminary registration web site will be open on September 20 and be closed on October 09.
- The URL of preliminary registration web site for “Advanced Modern Science and Technology” is :
https://www.t.kyoto-u.ac.jp/fs/kdaigakuin/kyotsu3 - In principle, a lottery selection will be conducted when the number of preliminary registration for each lecture topic is more than 50.
- The result of preliminary registration will be announced by October 10.
- This course will be automatically enrolled at KULASIS for students who pass through a selection for preliminary registration. When another course is already enrolled, that will be replaced with “Advanced Modern Science and Technology”. After that, any revision (withdraw, enroll the other course, etc,) is NOT permitted.
- It is NOT permitted to register this course at KULASIS without passing through a lottery selection for preliminary registration.
- When student applied two or three lecture topics, a part of them could NOT be allowed to be enrolled.
- After the selection of preliminary registration, it is NOT permitted to revise registered lecture topics (change a lecture topic, withdraw some of them, etc.).
- Students who register a module with eight or twelve lectures are requested to satisfy grading
requirement for each module.
Course syllabus
- A module with four lectures, “4 times course”
- A module with eight lectures, “8 times course”
- A module with twelve lectures, “12 times course”
Course schedule**
**The schedule is subject to change.
Theme A: Monitoring and Sensing
Date | Title | Instructor |
Oct.5 | Control of molecular quantum dynamics by strong light-matter coupling | Nguyen Thanh Phuc |
Oct.12 | Superconductors under High-Pressure | Wei Yi |
Oct.19 | Graphene NEMS for ultrasensitive gas-sensing | Amit Banerjee |
Nov.2 | Detection and Monitoring of Bacteria in Environmental Water | Ryota Gomi |
Theme B: Electric Circuit and Machine Learning
Date | Title | Instructor |
Nov.9 | Reliable Design of CMOS Integrated Circuit: How to Design with Million Components? | Mahfuzul Islam |
Nov.16 | Reliable Design of CMOS Integrated Circuit: How to Design with Million Components? | Mahfuzul Islam |
Nov.30 | Physics Informed Machine Learning | John Molina |
Dec.14 | Physics Informed Machine Learning | John Molina |
Theme C: Modeling and Simulation
Date | Title | Instructor |
Dec.21 | Enhancing Realism of Human Disease Model in Vitro | Yoshikazu Hirai |
Dec.28 | Introduction to Plasma and Nuclear Fusion Research – From the aspect of numerical simulations – | Mitsuru Honda |
Jan.11 | Phase Transition Phenomenon | Hiroyuki Kojima |
Jan.18 | Engineering Education Research | Wasana Kowhakul |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Is a combination of Theme A and Theme C accepted?
A1. Yes, any combinations are accepted. Note that students who register a module with eight or twelve lectures are requested to satisfy grading requirement for each lecture topic.
Q2. How is the selection conducted?
A2. Lottery in principle.
Q3. I’d like to register a module with eight/twelve lectures. I don’t wish to register this course if a part of my request is accepted.
A3. Sorry, we can’t consider any specific situation like that.
Q4. I’d like to change the content of preliminary registration.
A4. Please contact to Graduate Student Section at B-cluster.
(E-Mail: 090kdaigakuin*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp, Replace “*” with “@”)
Q5. I’d like to withdraw the preliminary registration.
A5. Please contact to Graduate Student Section at B-cluster.
(E-Mail: 090kdaigakuin*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp, Replace “*” with “@”)
Q6. I’d like to know how many students apply to each themes.
A6. Such information is NEVER open to students.
Q7. I missed preliminary registration. Can I register this course at KULASIS?
A7. No. It is NOT permitted to register this course at KULASIS without applying preliminary registration.
Q8. Is it possible to change selected theme after enrollment? For example, from lecture topic A to lecture topic C, etc.
A8. No.
Q9. I plan to register a module with eight lectures by taking lecture topic A in this year and lecture topic C next year.
A9. Such registration is NOT permitted. All lectures which you intend to take must be taken in the same year.
Q10. How is the grading of this course?
A10. Refer the syllabus. Note that if you register a module with eight or twelve lectures and then don’t satisfy grading requirement for only one lecture topic, your course credit is NOT evaluated.
Q11. Can I change a module after enrollment? For example, from twelve lectures to four lectures, eight lectures to twelve lectures, and so on.
A11. No.