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【2024年度】実践的科学英語演習Iのチームプロジェクト発表会のご案内/Team Proposal Project Presentation for Practical Scientific English I

We are pleased to invite everyone to participate in class students` Proposal Project Presentation of Exercise in Practical Scientific English I on 25th, 2024. As the global collaborative lecture, we have received cooperation from Professor Jeremiah BLANCHARD and Professor Nick HEITZMA, University of Florida.

The project topics of 2024 academic year was about Natural Disasters Preparedness Education which the students of the Exercise in Practical Scientific English I, Kyoto University were responsible on creating the proposals and base on these, the students of the Cross-Cultural Design and in Practice classes of University of Florida were responsible on making the App. or Computer game. As the outcome of the projects which would convey much knowledge from the in class students` proposals to the general public to use in real life.